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Monday, 19 October 2015

This weekend saw all four quarterfinals of the RWC played out. If you missed our first article on the pool stages of the Rugby Jersey World Cup, you can take a look right  "here" .  We chose the top two jerseys from each pool and it lead us to this segment - The Knockout Stages. Comparing our selections to the teams that actually made it out of the group stages; you will see that we got 4 out of the 8 teams correct (which is probably more than you can say for your SuperBru standings right now). So to start this week off on the right foot, we have for you the quarterfinals of the Rugby Jersey World Cup. Let's jump right off into the first quarterfinal between the Bokke and England.

RJWC QF1: South Africa vs England
Real QF1: South Africa vs Wales

Now the Springboks were lucky to make it out of the group stages with their uninspiring green jerseys, but nevertheless here they stand pitted against a clean all white England jersey. I personally can't get passed RSA's yellow sleeves, so it's a pretty easy decision for me. As much as I hate to see the Boks leave early...they've gotta go. England through to the Semi's.

RJWC QF2: New Zealand vs Romania
Real QF2: New Zealand vs France

The real Second QF saw the mighty All Blacks annihilate the French in a very one sided affair. This quarterfinal however was a lot more competitive. Romania's jerseys were probably the most creative out of all the squads, but it's hard to beat the clean sleek look of New Zealand. This one was a much closer affair than the first QF, but the All Blacks managed to edge a resilient Romanian team.

RJWC QF3: Argentina vs Italy
Real QF3: Argentina vs Ireland

Argentina were ruthless in their rout of the Irish this past weekend. Some awesome running rugby and good goal kicking left nothing to chance. Here they go up against a clean baby blue Italian jersey, this was a close contest but the traditional stripes of the Pumas is tough to beat. As usual Nike came through with some slick Jerseys and this quarterfinal saw the South Americans come out on top.

RJWC QF4: Australia vs Japan
Real QF4: Australia vs Scotland

It was by sheer luck and questionable refereeing that Scotland made it through to the quarterfinals, even though they did put forth a valiant effort against Australia while rocking their awful blue and green plaid trimmed jerseys. Our Jersey World Cup however didn't have time for the Scotts and instead had the Cherry Blossoms of Japan up against a plain Australian Asics Jersey. In a quarterfinal that many people had wished for for the minnows, Japan upsets the Southern Hemisphere giants for a birth in the Semi's of the 2015 RJWC.

So it's Japan, Argentina, England and New Zealand through to the Semi Finals. Come back next week to see how the penultimate round of the Jersey World Cup unfolds...excuse the pun.
Written by Benchpress Release